Liberty Mutual Renters Api logo

Talk to us about partnering with your company

Liberty Mutual Renters Api logo

Provide your customers, tenants, or employees with fast and affordable renters insurance coverage.

Talk to us about partnering with your company

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Person removing a For Rent sign

How it works


Integrate a flexible quote-and-purchase offer into your existing website, app, or internal tool.


Enable your customers to easily purchase a renters insurance policy when they want.

Seamless quoting experience


Keep them where they are

Eliminate customer drop-off with purchasing directly on your site.


Efficient data pre-fill

Leverage the customer information you already collect.


Streamlined form submission

Only 10 simple questions needed to generate a quote.

Strong product partnership

Person using laptop

Greater flexibility

Same full coverage H4 Renters Insurance product but with less data required to quote and minimum coverage options available.

No third party

The API is not partner specific, so you won't have to work with a third party. It can integrate with your existing customer experience, leveraging your look, feel, and branding.

Stronger three-way value

Between you, your customer,and Liberty Mutual, where your customer gets peace of mind to help them confidently pursue tomorrow.